
ALC Housing Bubble

We have taken notes from the NBA and have created our own operating bubble. For the 2020-2021 season and until the CDC has positive news, all athletes will live in our housing program. - 5BD 3.5 BATH HOME (TWO SEPARATE BUT IDENTICAL HOUSES )













Only Staff and Athletes will be allowed in practice, training facilities and housing. Parents and visitors Must wait outside outdoors in common areas. Coaching and athletes will be required to wear face coverings while in public places. Coaches and athletes must maintain appropriate social distancing at all times, including on the court, locker rooms, sidelines, benches, and workout areas. Athletes will be required to disinfect equipment after each use. Coaches and athletic staff will screen and monitor athletes for symptoms prior to games and practices. If individuals participating in sporting activities show symptoms, have a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, or are sick, they must stay home. Athletes and coaches, must bring their own water and drinks to team activities. Team water coolers for sharing through disposable cups are not allowed. Fixed water fountains should not be used. Avoid shaking hands, fist bumps, or high fives before, during or after games and practices. Limit unnecessary physical contact with teammates, other athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators. All athletes and staff and visitors will be required to sign our waiver. Athletes that leave our bubble  will be required to isolate upon return. Isolation will be at local hotel which all cost for food and housing will be responsibility of athlete and family.


You will be placed in one of the two houses with teammates. Each athlete will have a furnished room (Bed & Dresser etc.) to share with a teammate. The cost of rent is included in your payments.


You will be given 21 meals a week. The cost of food is included in your payments. Additional meals are your responsibility.


Guidebook to surviving our housing

Rule #1!

Never be afraid to ask questions about anything that you do not understand! We know that we often use slang and colloquial expressions that are hard to understand. Do not hesitate to say that you don’t understand us and that you need for us to talk slower or repeat something that we have said.

A Typical Day

Please feel free to make yourself completely at home, but if you use something, put it back. If you get something dirty, clean it up. Please treat our house and our belongings with respect as we will still be living here after you return home. If you turn something on, be sure to turn it off. Thus applies to the computer, stereo, washer, dryer, TV, DVD, and all kitchen appliances. We will show you how to operate everything in the house, but please do not hesitate to ask questions if we forget to tell you something. Also remember to be considerate with regards to the volume of the stereo and TV.

The week’s meals are usually planned on Sunday and we purchase all food for the week on one trip. We meal prep and cook as a team all meals. If you need to stay up late in order to study, you may as long as you are quiet. You need to play the TV and stereo very softly after 10:00 pm. During the weekend, the schedule can vary quite a bit.

Household Chores

You are responsible for keeping your own room and shared bathroom clean. If guests are coming over, your shared bathroom must be very clean as it may be used. No one in this household likes to clean; therefore, everyone pitches in to help with the chores. These will not be extensive because we run a very casual home. Some examples of daily chores are picking up the mail, emptying and filling the dishwasher, straightening the kitchen, taking out the trash, and picking up anything that is out of place. The cleaning ladies come every month. Some chores need to be done to prepare; for example, everything needs to be put away so that they can clean…they only clean and do not pick-up items and put them away.

Personal Stuff

In our hot climate we might shower more than once a day if we become overheated. You will be able to purchase the shampoo, toothpaste, soap and other personal items that you need from the grocery or drug store. You only need to wear your clothes one day before they are washed. You should not wash until you have a full load in order to save water and electricity. Laundry is usually done during the weekend. We will show you how to use the washer and dryer so you can do your own laundry. Always knock before entering either a bedroom or a bathroom. Privacy is very important!!!

If you wish to move furniture around your room, ask for permission first. Please remember two things. The first is that you have had your entire life to build the trust between you and your parents, but you have a short time to build the same trust with us. The second is.....Please remember that drinking and use of drugs are not permitted and is against the law for someone your age. Some teenagers that you socialize with may do these things but remember that breaking these rules will have far more serious consequences for you than it will for them. Please do not do anything that would jeopardize your stay with us. Even being in the presence of illegal drugs, even if you do not touch them, can get you sent home.